Discover the inspirations
28 X 25 X 59
36 X 35 X 52
21 X 21 X 55
47 X 42 X 49
Deco tips
If you place them in a corner, gather your lanterns in small groups with elements of different shapes and heights.
If you place them on a wall or along a pathway, make sure they are all the same.
Depending on their size, use more than one candle inside to make the atmosphere even more enchanting.
If you choose candelabras or candle holders, use dripless wax to protect your tablecloths and furniture while still enjoying the magic.
200 X 200
45 X 45
37 X 37 X 60
28 X 24 X 64
38 X 50
40 X 160
Let yourself be inspired